• NEW! Sora is now available for Roslyn High School Students! 

    Log in using your School Google Account to gain access to hundreds of ebooks throughout the Roslyn School District. 

    To access the High School collection only: Limit your search to:  Audience - "Young Adult" or "Adult."

    Add other collections to your library by clicking "Add A Library"  and typing in the following collections:

    • LI Students Read
    • Nassau Boces School Library System
    • Nassau Digital Doorway (you need a Bryant Library Card to access this collection)

    Follett Ebooks


    EBOOKS & LIGHTBOXES: Visit Roslyn High School Library's eBook Collection

    Fiction and nonfiction titles. 

    Log in with your School Google Account
    eBooks can be read on a browser or iPad. iOS users - download the Destiny Read App  Destiny Read App for iOS

    Salem Online

    Salem Press - Digitized History and Literature reference books
    Reference books for nonfiction research. Usernames and Passwords are located in the Library's Gooogle Classroom (Code:  xy6ncn7)



    Libby App

    Bryant Library eBooks

    Bryant Library ebook collection - Download the Libby App - Borrow ebooks and e-magazines! You must have a Bryant Library card to use this app! (If you need a Bryant Library card, apply online!)


    Bryant Library Reference Books - Reference books for research - use your Bryant Library card barcode number or use the guest barcodes found in the Library's Google Classroom.


    Other Internet Sources for eBooks











eBooks - RHS Library & Beyond