- Roslyn High School
- Research Databases
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Use the links below to access the databases. RHS students have access to RHS Databases and the Bryant Library Databases.
For passwords to the databases, please join the RHS Library's Google Classroom (code: xy6ncn7) or contact the library staff.
FINDIT! is a collection of subscription databases arranged by subject; See the RHS Library staff or the Library's Google Classroom for the password.
Additional RHS Subscriptions Passwords: see library staff or the RHS Library's Google Classroom
JSTOR provides access to more than 10 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
JSTOR daily online magazine (magazine articles written using journals from the J-STOR database)
Salem Press - History and Literature Reference eBooks
Bloom's Literature - relevant content on core authors and works, multicultural classics, contemporary literature
Science Direct SciVerse: index to scientific, medical and technical peer reviewed journals
NOVELNY is an online library collection of hundreds of magazines, newspapers, maps, charts, research, and reference books that are available to New York residents.
All Subjects
Gale Power Search - search all Gale databases at once
Academic OneFile (Peer reviewed articles - all disciplines)
Gale General OneFile (News and periodical articles - all disciplines)
Business Insights: Essentials (Company profiles, financial reports, business magazines & newspapers)
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship (covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, and tax)
Gale Health and Wellness (access to full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, and multimedia.)
Gale OneFile: US. History (College Level articles: Colonial and U.S. historical events, scholarly journals, primary sources)
Gale OneFile: World History (College level articles: World historical events, scholarly journals, primary sources)
Gale OneFile High School (High School level articles)
Gale Literature (Biographical, critical, and literary analysis for Literary Studies)
Gale Books and Authors (Reader’s advisory database featuring fun ways to browse, an intuitive design, read-alikes, reviews, award winners and themed book lists)
Bloom's Literature (Content on core authors and works, multicultural classics, contemporary literature, and more)
New York Times (The New York Times 1965 - Present)
Gale OneFile News (Newspapers and media outlets - U.S. & International)
Online Encyclopedias:
Britannica School Edition (online encyclopedia with articles written for K-12 students)
Britannica Academic Edition (online encyclopedia & academic journals)
Britannica Escolar (enciclopedia en español)
Pop-Culture/Social Science
Pop Culture Studies (Popular culture - past and present)
Gale OneFile: Psychology (Articles and scholarly sources in all fields of psychology)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Articles supporting opposing sides of controversial issues)
Gale OneFile Science (Science news and periodical articles)
Bryant Library #1 Menu on Right: Databases by Subject -- Biographies, Business, Health, History, Law, Science, Literature, Spanish, etc.
Bryant Library # 2 Search all of the Gale EbooksRemote log-in to Bryant Library resources requires a Bryant Library card number. Don't have a Bryant Library card? Use the guest barcodes which can be found in the Library's Google Classroom, or get a digital library card, or contact the High School Library for assistance.
Directory of Open Source Journals contains over 15,000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Google Scholar is a web resource that allows users to search for journal articles, citations, theses, preprints and book availability on the web. Be aware that many articles only contain the abstracts or a small portion of the article.
Smithsonian Libraries Databases and Collections is a collection of free websites and databases recommended by the Smithsonian.
: Login with Google. Citation and report writing assistance; save all of your information in your account. You must login to your school Google account to access NoodleTools. You can find the NoodleTools app in the "waffle" app launcher. NoodleTools Instructions
(Links for Teachers)
TeachingBooks.net is a database of instructional material for fiction and non-fiction books.