Welcome to the Roslyn High School Mathematics Department

  • math




    The high school mathematics curriculum is designed to cultivate and heighten students’ critical thinking and reasoning skills. It provides them with a solid foundation in topics which leads to the study of higher mathematics and enables students to see how its various branches are related to each other. The spiraled nature of the curricula provides an ongoing review of previously learned mathematical concepts.

    Throughout their four years, students are required to utilize the TI 84 graphing calculator. They will also be introduced to selected mathematical concepts through computer software on our network.

    Please feel free to give me your feedback regarding the page:cwindwer@roslynschools.org

    Mr. Charles Windwer Math Department Chairperson

  •                                                                                                                            Math Fair Medalist 2015

    math fair 2015

    Math Fair  2017-2018                              


    Map 1

    Map 2

    Map 3

    Room Assignments



    Comments (-1)

Teacher Names / emails / extensions

  • Math Department: 801-5149

    Guy Barnett
    Ext. 7574  email

    Chris Callahan
    Ext. 7155   email

    Mark Carman
    Ext. 7468   email

    Belen Castillo

    Ext. 7165    email

    Brian Ciavarella  
    Ext. 7176   email

    Marc Edelman
    Ext. 7392   email

    Shari Jacknis
    Ext. 7313   email

    Soowook Lee
    Ext. 7514   email

    Rosaleen Loughran
    Ext. 7373   email

    Michelle Sellers
    Ext. 7500   email

    Glenn Sherwood
    Ext. 7508   email

    Samantha Simon   
    Ext. 7502   email

    Carolyn Stack
    Ext. 7523   email

    Charles Windwer
    Ext. 5151   email