- Roslyn High School
- The Community Service Program
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The Community Service Program
In 1994, the Roslyn Board of Education instituted a community service requirement, mandating that all Roslyn High School students complete 40 hours of field work.
The Roslyn School District is committed to the idea that service to the community is an integral part of every student's education. Through a school-based community service program, students have an opportunity to learn by doing and to give something back to their community. By being exposed to volunteer opportunities in their community, students become more aware of the challenges that may exist locally and how, as good citizens, they can play a role in finding solutions.
The program strengthens already existing ties with community organizations and establishes new connections. The school is a working partner with the community in analyzing the needs that exist and working together to find viable, hands-on solutions which students and adults can work on together.
"The service you do for others is the rent you pay
for the time you spend on earth."
—Muhammad Ali
What constitutes community service?
Community Service placements must be completed at non-profit agencies, institutions, organizations and/or with individuals. Students cannot receive monetary compensation for their service. Internships are not considered community service. Volunteer work must be pre-approved by the Community Service Coordinator.How does a student receive credit for completed service?
Records are kept by the Community Service Coordinator based on completed verification forms which are validated by the on-site supervisor. All verified community service hours are logged into the high school's Community Service computer program. Any student doing a service that has not been arranged through the school must obtain written approval in advance from the Community Service Coordinator in order to guarantee credit.
Does membership in a club or athletic team count as community service?
Participation in athletics, cheerleading or any school club does not qualify as community service. However, with the prior approval of the Community Service Coordinator, special individual activities by these groups may qualify as service (for example, a clinic for elementary school students).
What are some examples of field placements?
There is a wide range of opportunities for completing service. These include placements within the schools (library, main office, central office, assisting in an elementary school) placements at nearby agencies (Roslyn Highlands Fire Department, Sun Harbor Nursing Home) and at more than 100 other hospitals, agencies and charitable organizations. Information on placements is available through the Community Service Office. Placements are also posted, announced in school and listed in the school newspaper.
How do students get to their placements?
Some students complete their service by doing in-school placements, some work at agencies they can walk to from school, and others need transportation. Transportation, in general, must be arranged by the student.
When can students do their service field work?
Community service must be done on a student's free time: during unassigned periods during the school day, after school, on weekends or during the summer. The required 40 hours can be spread out as 10 hours a year, or concentrated in one 9am-5pm week in the summer. It is strongly suggested that students distribute the hours over their four years at the high school. Students may start accumulating hours during the summer prior to their freshman year.
What if a student completes more than the required 40 hours?
Most of our students complete well over 40 hours, an indication that the program has been successful in instilling in our students a true commitment to the idea of service.How are students and parents informed of Community Service hours already earned?
A Community Service Individualized Profile is posted on the Parent Portal following each quarter. Students and parents may contact the Community Service Coordinator to review a child's profile. When necessary, juniors andseniors also receive individualized letters informing them of their requirement and their need to complete it in a timely fashion. Guidance Counselors also advise students about the requirement.
What is the role of the Community Service Committee?
All students must submit prior approval forms for placements other than those arranged by the Community Service Office. The committee periodically convenes to review these forms, as well as discuss any concerns, issues and challenges that may arise. The final approval of all placements is made by the Principal and the Community Service Coordinator.
For more information, call the Community Service Coordinator, Assistant Principal Dave Lazarus, at 801-5100, or email to dlazarus@roslynschools.org.