Welcome to the Transportation Office

  • BUS

    Bus service is provided within the district for all public, private and parochial school students K-8, regardless of the distance between their home and school, provided it is less than 15 miles. It is also provided to high school students in grades 9-12 who live more than 1/2 mile but less than 15 miles from school. Limits are strictly enforced and drivers are instructed to deny transportation to those who do not qualify. Late buses are available for Roslyn Public School students participating in after-school activities. State law provides that students attending private or parochial schools outside the district are entitled to busing at district expense upon application by parent/guardian.

    Bus orientation day 2024  driver and student

    In accordance with New York State Education Law and Board of Education policy, all requests for transportation of children in the Roslyn School District to private and parochial schools, as well as before and/or after school child care locations for the 2025-2026 school year, must be submitted in writing by a parent, guardian or authorized representative by April 1, 2025.

    Parents whose children currently receive transportation to private and parochial schools must submit a new request each year along with proof of residency. Failure to meet the April 1 deadline may result in the loss of transportation services.

    Transportation Request Forms for Non-Public School Students and Child Care Locations can be accessed by using the links to the right. For assistance, call 516-801-5190 or email RoslynTransportation@roslynschools.org.

    Transportation Staff



  • Printable Transportation Request Forms for Non-Public School Students and Child Care Locations are available upon request. Please call 516-801-5190 or email RoslynTransportation@roslynschools.org