Office of Community Relations

  • Roslyn School District believes that communication with our community is critical to the support and success of our schools. The Office of Community Relations plans and directs the communication of information designed to keep students, parents, staff, community members, and key stakeholders informed about school district programs, topical news, events, etc., as well as staff and student achievements. 

    We use a variety of tools to communicate, which include:

    The Roslyn School District Website
    The website is used to communicate news, announcements, calendar events, and general information. The site also includes information about the Roslyn Board of Education, policies, and department information for staff, parents, students, and the community.

    The Bulldog Blast
    The Bulldog Blast is an online newsletter, produced and distributed monthly during the academic school year. It covers news, happenings, and issues affecting all our neighborhood schools. Click here to access our archive of electronic newsletters.

    Budget Newsletter
    We provide a budget newsletter every spring, designed to provide a financial overview of the Roslyn School District.

    Mass Communications
    When urgent and large group notifications must go out, we contact school families by email, voice, and/or text message using a system called Finalsite Mass Communications. Parents should ensure that all contact information is updated regularly to receive these important messages. Click here to log into PowerSchool and make any necessary changes. Anyone in the community can sign up to be on the mailing list. Click here to sign up.


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