- Roslyn School District
- Chain of Communication
The communication protocol helps to promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that problems and concerns can be resolved quickly and effectively. Communication should begin with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information. At times, additional personnel are required to resolve specific situations.Appropriate communication channels for a variety of topics are listed below. The district encourages any and all questions from parents and residents regarding school matters. We also encourage students in grades 9-12 to advocate for themselves by initiating communication with the appropriate teacher or staff member.
Additional contact information for staff members is in the online staff directory.
Classroom Issues involving an individual child
(classroom procedures, behavior, grades)
Curriculum and Instruction
(subject matter, teaching, supplies and materials)
Grades K-5:
STEP 1: Teacher; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Karina Baez, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Allison Brown, SuperintendentGrades 6-12:
STEP 1: Teacher; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Dean of Students or Department Chairperson; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Michael Goldspiel, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 6: Allison Brown, SuperintendentSchool Personnel Concerns
STEP 1: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Human Resources; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Allison Brown, SuperintendentSpecial Education/Pupil Personnel Services
Grades K-5:
STEP 1: Teacher; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Cindy Samide, Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Barbara Schwartz, Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 6: Karina Baez, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 7: Allison Brown, SuperintendentGrades 6-12:
STEP 1: Teacher; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Marnie Cohen, Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Barbara Schwartz, Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 6: Michael Goldspiel, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 7: Allison Brown, SuperintendentMedical Concerns, K-12
STEP 1: School Nurse; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Cindy Samide, Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services (K-5) or Marnie Cohen, Assistant Director of PPS (6-12); if not resolved...
STEP 3: Barbara Schwartz, Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 6: Allison Brown, SuperintendentCounseling Center
(Scheduling, college application process, overall student well-being)
Grades 6-12:
STEP 1: School Counselor; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Tanya Baptiste, Director of Guidance; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Middle or High School Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Michael Goldspiel, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Allison Brown, SuperintendentAthletics
STEP 1: Coach; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Michael Brostowski, Director of Physical Education & Athletics; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Allison Brown, SuperintendentResidency
(Registration of new students)
STEP 1: District Registrar; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Barbara Schwartz, Director of Pupil Personnel Services; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Edward Joyce, Assistant Business Administrator; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Allison Brown, SuperintendentTransportation
(Pickup, routes)
STEP 1: Dalton Samuels, Transportation Supervisor; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Susan Warren, Assistant Superintendent for Business & Administration; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Allison Brown, SuperintendentOther Transportation Concerns
(Behavior on school buses)
Grades K-5:
STEP 1: Bus Driver; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Karina Baez, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Allison Brown, SuperintendentGrades 6-12:
STEP 1: Bus Driver; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Dean of Students, if not resolved...
STEP 3: Assistant Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 4: Principal; if not resolved...
STEP 5: Michael Goldspiel, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education; if not resolved...
STEP 6: Allison Brown, SuperintendentBudget & Business Operations
STEP 1: Susan Warren, Assistant Superintendent for Business & Administration; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Allison Brown, SuperintendentFood Services
STEP 1: Dawn Piteo, School Lunch Manager; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Edward Joyce, Assistant Business Administrator; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Allison Brown, SuperintendentBuildings & Grounds/Use of Facilities Requests
STEP 1: Thomas Szajkowski, Assistant Superintendent for Administration & Special Projects; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Allison Brown, SuperintendentSecurity
STEP 1: Thomas Szajkowski, Assistant Superintendent for Administration & Special Projects; if not resolved...
STEP 2: Susan Warren, Assistant Superintendent for Business & Administration; if not resolved...
STEP 3: Allison Brown, Superintendent