• Rita Guarino, R.N.
    516-801-5211 fax

  • Welcome to the New School Year! I hope you and your family are safe, well, and happy!


    6th Grade

      One dose of Tdap (Tetanus Toxoid, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis) Vaccine minimum age 10 years old. 

    *Students who are 10 years old in grade 6 and who have not yet received a Tdap
    vaccine are in compliance until they turn 11 years old.   

    7th Grade

    1. Physical Exam must be dated within one year of and submitted within 30 days of the start
        of school. Only NYS School Health Examination Form is accepted. 
    2. Must have first Meningococcal conjugate ACWY Vaccine in order to attend school.
    3. Vision and Hearing Screening your child will be tested during the school year. Notification will
        be made of failures only. 
    4. Scoliosis Screenings: All female students in the 7th Grade will be tested during the school year.

    Please Note: If your child had a health exam by his/her private HCP within the last year and we have a copy of the exam, then your child has already been screened.

    Athletics for 7th & 8th Grade

    An annual physical exam completed by Healthcare Provider after June 1st is recommended or within the 12 months of the sports start date. This must be on the required NYS School Health Examination Form and uploaded in PDF format to FamilyID (Arbiter Sports) . For your FamilyID profile you enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs.  NYS Forms are located on the RMS Athletic website. There are four sports seasons in middle school that require an up-to-date physical exam.

    Self-Medication and/or Medication Administration

    If your child carries/ self-administers medication, or requires the administration of medication (including EpiPens, inhalers, and Over-The-Counter medication) a school form must be completed by your Healthcare Provider annually. The Self-Medication Release Form and/or Permission for Administration of Medication Form are required for all students who require medication, regardless of grade, before the first day of school.
    New Entrants to the School District

    A physical exam dated within the calendar year from a Healthcare Provider is required and must be on the NYS School Health Examination Form along with your child's immunization record including cumulative health record. Vision and Hearing screenings will be done in school.