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Roslyn SEPTA Hosts Annual Honoree End-of-Year Celebration
The Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA) hosted its 2024 Awards Celebration inside the library of Roslyn High School on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The breakfast ceremony is held each year to celebrate inspirational individuals who have made unique and meaningful contributions on behalf of Roslyn’s special education students and families. It was attended by administrators, faculty, and staff, and the family members of the award recipients.
SEPTA President Kelly Hershkowitz presented the Helping Hand Award to East Hills Elementary School speech pathologist Jessica Lang for making “above and beyond” an understatement with her endless energy and boundless loyalty to ensure that every student learns the skills they need to succeed.
Roslyn High School Principal Dr. Scott Andrews presented the Golden Award to graduating student Evan Golden, an extraordinary student who has demonstrated strength and perseverance, with a consistent growth mindset and a winning attitude.
Newly appointed Director of Pupil Personnel Services Cindy Samide and Assistant Director Marnie Cohen presented the Extra “Special” Educator Award to Barbara Schwartz, retiring Director of PPS, in recognition of a career built on an everlasting commitment to students and a decade of service in Roslyn, and for upholding the district’s reputation for excellence in Special Education.
Pictured (l. to r.) are Assistant Director Marnie Cohen, newly appointed Director Cindy Samide, Superintendent Allison Brown, retiring Director Barbara Schwartz, Board President Meryl Waxman Ben-Levy, student award winner Evan Golden, Principal Dr. Scott Andrews, and speech pathologist Jessica Lang.