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Roslyn BOE Recognizes Academics & Athletic Achievements

At the March 21, 2024, Roslyn Board of Education meeting, President Meryl Waxman Ben-Levy, along with Superintendent Allison Brown and the trustees of the BOE, honored two students for their highly esteemed achievements. 

2024 VAL BOE
Roslyn High School Principal Dr. Scott Andrews and Dr. Allyson Weseley gave remarks on the achievements of Valedictorian Jacob Gross. He gave brief remarks and was given certificates for earning the title of valedictorian and for being named a Regeneron semifinalist and finalist.

Pole 2024 BOE
After remarks by Athletics Director Michael Brostowski, recognition was given to student-athlete Zach Davidson for winning the Pole Vault Nassau County Championship and placing third in the New York State Indoor Track and Field Championships.